October 9, 2023
8 minute read

Transforming Trismus Treatment: Dr. Emma Charters' Innovative Approach to Head and Neck Cancer Recovery

Trismus, a common woe post-head and neck cancer treatment, caught Dr. Emma Charters' attention. Her PhD revealed its far-reaching impact, from communication to social isolation. The missing piece? An effective and accessible solution.
Transforming Trismus Treatment: Dr. Emma Charters' Innovative Approach to Head and Neck Cancer Recovery
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December 18, 2023

Trismus, a common woe post-head and neck cancer treatment, caught Dr. Emma Charters' attention. Her PhD revealed its far-reaching impact, from communication to social isolation. The missing piece? An effective and accessible solution.

Tell us more about who you are and what sparked your mission to address Trismus in head and neck cancer patients?

I'm Dr. Emma Charters, a speech pathologist specialising in aiding head and neck cancer survivors, particularly in their ability to eat, drink, and talk. Trismus, the limited mouth opening post-cancer treatment, struck me as a critical issue impacting various aspects of health. My PhD unveiled its far-reaching effects on communication, swallowing, dental care, and cancer surveillance, leading to social isolation, malnutrition, work loss, and heightened medical complexity.

Could you elaborate on the market impact of this problem and why it's crucial?

Trismus affects up to 85% of head and neck cancer patients, with 890,000 new cases worldwide each year. The magnitude of this issue necessitates attention. RestorabiteTM, designed to strengthen the jaw, also aims to be a jawline enhancer for broader use.

Why did you choose to tackle this problem, and who inspires you in this field?

The pervasive impact of being unable to open one's mouth on daily activities sparked my interest. Existing solutions are often ineffective, unsafe, or prohibitively expensive. I draw inspiration from pioneers like Professor Jonathan Clark and the ARK-J Trismus Program, advocating for improved patient care.

What was the catalyst moment that led to the development of RestorabiteTM?

Presenting Trismus treatment gaps to our head and neck cancer team highlighted the need for innovation. Collaborating with Prof. Jonathan Clark and Mr. Kai Cheng, a surgeon and biomedical engineer, initiated our quest for a better solution.

I aspire to offer evidence-based, safe, and effective Trismus treatment universally. Even the gold standard device falls short, and I aim to bridge this gap for patients worldwide.

In your view, what are the most critical healthcare challenges today, and how can programs like AUSCEP address them?

Inequitable access to specialised healthcare is a significant challenge, especially in regional areas. Programs like AUSCEP can support clinicians in developing solutions that benefit not just one patient but many. AUSCEP has broadened my perspective, pushing me to consider goals beyond Restorabite. While I remain focused on commercialising Restorabite, I'm also eager to encourage clinicians to see their work innovatively, attracting visibility to this less common but valuable career pathway.

How do you envision the future of healthcare?

I envision adaptive, individualised healthcare, leveraging technology like virtual reality for better patient understanding.

Any advice for clinicians interested in healthcare entrepreneurship?

While healthcare entrepreneurship may seem daunting, clinicians possess transferable skills. Seeking programs like AUSCEP helps build essential skills and connect with a supportive network, crucial steps in the entrepreneurial journey.

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